The Old Hall, Front Street, West Auckland,Bishop Auckland. £450k

Here’s a beautiful little thing. Listed Grade ii* with seven bedrooms, for only £450k. The house is currently divided up as a farmhouse and separate office, but is being sold as one piece. I think if I was shown only the photograph and not given the address I would guess the house was in Somerset and put a price tag of £750k on it. As it is way up north in West Auckland though it is good it has its own walled garden as spring comes very late in that neck of the woods (about 5 weeks later than sunny East Yorkshire.) Sorry, Iforgot to edit the pictures. Anyway, you can see what a beautiful darling it is. Do you like that shade of green that the front door is, with the golden stone? I do, but I think I would have chosen a Heavenly blue instead. You’ve heard of the elephant in the room, here’s the elephant on the landing. T...